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Using agd to make queries and transactions

agd is the Agoric Cosmos App, analagous to simd in the Cosmos SDK simapp or gaiad in the Cosmos hub. Most of the simd query commands and transaction commands work similarly in agd.

agd for Building Dapps

This section focusses on commands relevant to developing and deploying smart contracts and dapps. See also:

Installing agd

Options include:

If we invoke agd without arguments, it prints a list of available commands including:

Available Commands:

  help                Help about any command
  keys                Manage your application's keys
  query               Querying subcommands
  status              Query remote node for status
  tx                  Transactions subcommands
  version             Print the application binary version information

  -h, --help                help for agd
      --home string         directory for config and data (default $HOME)

Query Commands

In most cases, agd query ... is followed by a module name such as bank. An exception is agd status:

agd status

Query remote node for status


$ agd status
{"NodeInfo":{"protocol_version":{"p2p":"8","block":"11" ... }}}

Formatting with jq

For pretty-printed JSON, or to select parts, pipe the output through jq.

$ agd status | jq .ValidatorInfo
  "Address": "B4167E20C19D9B30ACD93865B854555D3823B31C",
  "PubKey": {
    "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
    "value": "F9rO2FZ5sliRSRUVYnwWYVS0Ptf8Ll1dIOb6SQkgmTA="
  "VotingPower": "5000"

The query goes to a local node at tcp://localhost:26657 by default. To use another node:

$ agd status --node
{"NodeInfo":{"protocol_version":{"p2p":"8","block":"11" ... }}}

Port is required

Typically, :443 can be left implicit in https URLs. But not here. Without it, we get:

Error: post failed: Post "": dial tcp: address missing port in address

agd query bank balances

Query for account balances by address


$ addr=agoric14pfrxg63jn6ha0cp6wxkm4nlvswtscrh2pymwm
$ agd query bank balances $addr
- amount: "331000000"
  denom: ubld
- amount: "4854000000"
  denom: uist

To get JSON output rather than YAML:

$ agd query bank balances $addr -o json

agd query gov proposals

Query for a all paginated proposals that match optional filters.


$ agd query gov proposals --output json | \
  jq -c '.proposals[] | [.proposal_id,.voting_end_time,.status]'

agd query vstorage keys

Query for the data residing at specified path in VStorage.


$ agd query vstorage keys 'published.vaultFactory.managers.manager0.vaults'
- vault0

Transaction Commands

Making transactions requires setting up an account with a private key for signing. The basic dapp local chain container has a number of keys set up for use with --keyring-backend=test. Use agd keys list --keyring-backend=test to see them.

For accounts that control real negotiable assets, using a consumer grade wallet such as Keplr is more straightforward. Consider a hardware wallet such as a Ledger as well.

agd keys add

Derive a new private key and encrypt to disk.


  agd keys add <name> [flags]

If run with -i, it will prompt the user for BIP44 path, BIP39 mnemonic, and passphrase. The flag --recover allows one to recover a key from a seed passphrase.

  • For compatibility with the ledger cosmos app, use --ledger --coin-type 118 rather than the default 564.
  • To avoid signature prompts for testing, use --keyring-backend=test rather than the default, which is to use operating system key management. Use --home=DIR to store these keys under a different directory than $HOME/.agoric.

agd tx bank send

Send funds from one account to another.

$ src=agoric14pfrxg63jn6ha0cp6wxkm4nlvswtscrh2pymwm
$ dest=agoric1a3zu5aqw255q0tuxzy9aftvgheekw2wedz3xwq
$ amt=12000000ubld
$ agd tx bank send $src $dest $amt \
  --keyring-backend=test --chain-id=agoriclocal \
		--gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
		--yes -b block

As usual, use agd tx bank send --help for documentation on flags such as --yes, -b, etc.

agd tx swingset provision-one

Provision a smart wallet to interact with Zoe smart contracts.


agd tx swingset provision-one <nickname> <address> [<power-flag>[,...]] [flags]


ADDRESS=$(agd keys show $KEY_NAME $KEYRING_BACKEND | grep address | awk '{print $3}')

agd tx swingset provision-one $NICKNAME $ADDRESS SMART_WALLET --from $KEY_NAME $KEYRING_BACKEND --chain-id agoriclocal -y -b block

See MsgProvision in swingset/msgs.proto for more details.

agd tx swingset install-bundle

agd tx swingset install-bundle --compress "@bundle1.json" \
  --from user1 --keyring-backend=test --gas=auto \
  --chain-id=agoriclocal -bblock --yes -o json

See also the Agoric Gov Proposal Builder web interface, especially for understanding storage fees.

agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval


  agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval [[permit.json] [code.js]]... [flags]


$ SCRIPT=start-game1.js
$ PERMIT=start-game1-permit.json
agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval "$PERMIT" "$SCRIPT" \
  --title="Start Game Place Contract" --description="Evaluate $SCRIPT" \
  --deposit=10000000ubld --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
  --from user1 --chain-id agoriclocal --keyring-backend=test \
  --yes -b block

The Agoric Gov Proposal Builder web interface provides a nice interface for this as well.

agd tx gov vote

Submit a vote for an active proposal. You can find the proposal-id by running agd query gov proposals.


  agd tx gov vote [proposal-id] [option] [flags]


agd tx gov vote $PROPOSAL yes \
  --keyring-backend test --chain-id agoriclocal --from validator \
  --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.4 \
  --broadcast-mode block --output json --yes