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"Send Anywhere" Contract Walkthrough

The "Send Anywhere" contract is designed to facilitate the transfer of assets from one chain to another using Agoric's Orchestration library. The contract allows a user to send assets of a specific brand to a destination address on any supported blockchain.

The high-level flow of the contract is:

  • Validates the asset brand on the source chain.
  • Creates or ensures the existence of a local account (held by the contract) to handle temporary holding.
  • Transfers the asset from the source address to the local account.
  • Initiates a transfer to the destination address, which could reside on the remote blockchain.
  • Gracefully handles the failures.

The contract is implemented in two separate files:

  1. send-anywhere.contract.js implements the start function of the contract to initialize the contract and expose publicFacet.
  2. send-anywhere.flows.js implements the sendIt function which performs the actual transfer of assets when a user makes an offer.

Let us walk through these files one by one.

1. send-anywhere.contract.js

The contract begins by importing various modules and utilities necessary for its functionality. These include:

  • State management: makeSharedStateRecord is imported to create and manage the state across contract incarnations.
  • Type validation: AmountShape and InvitationShape ensure that the contract works with correct data types, such as amounts and invitations.
  • Orchestration utilities: withOrchestration is imported to facilitate interactions with orchestration functions.
  • Flows: The orchestration flows for handling transfers are imported from send-anywhere.flows.js to be made available to Zoe.

These imports set up the contract for the validation, orchestration, and execution of transfers through Zoe API.

Single Amount Record Validation

In order to ensure that only a single asset (or brand) is transferred per transaction, a SingleNatAmountRecord is defined:

export const SingleNatAmountRecord = M.and(
  M.recordOf(M.string(), AnyNatAmountShape, {
    numPropertiesLimit: 1

This validation ensures that the proposal shape submitted by users contains exactly one asset and no other extraneous properties.

Contract State Setup

The contract defines a shared state record as below:

const contractState = makeSharedStateRecord(
  /** @type {{ account: OrchestrationAccount<any> | undefined }} */ {
    localAccount: undefined

This state keeps track of the local account that will hold the transferred assets temporarily before they are sent to the destination address. The state starts with an undefined localAccount. This account will be created later during the offer handling process if needed.

Logging setup

The contract initializes a logging mechanism (logNode) to capture the contract's internal actions and state changes. Logs are written to a newly created log child in VStorage, making debugging and auditing easier.

const logNode = E(privateArgs.storageNode).makeChildNode('log');

const log = msg =>;

Orchestration functions

These functions, imported from send-anywhere.flows.js, define the main behaviors for handling asset transfers. The contract wraps these functions with the necessary context (such as the contract state, logging, and Zoe tools).

const orchFns = orchestrateAll(flows, {

Public Facet and Invitation Creation

The contract provides a public-facing API (publicFacet) that allows external users to interact with it:

const publicFacet = zone.exo(
  'Send PF',
  M.interface('Send PF', {
    makeSendInvitation: M.callWhen().returns(InvitationShape)
    makeSendInvitation() {
      return zcf.makeInvitation(
        M.splitRecord({ give: SingleNatAmountRecord })

The makeSendInvitation method creates an invitation for users, allowing them to initiate a transfer by submitting a proposal. The proposal must match the structure defined by the SingleNatAmountRecord, ensuring that only one asset is transferred per transaction. The invitation is connected to the sendIt function (explained later), which performs the asset transfer.

2. send-anywhere.flows.js

This flows file defines a single function sendIt that handles offers made to the contract. The sendIt function is the core of the transfer process. It handles the actual movement of assets between the local and remote chains. The parameters passed to this function include:

  • orch: The orchestrator object for managing chain/account interactions.
  • ctx: The contract state and utility functions, including:
    • contractState: Holds the local account for intermediate storage.
    • localTransfer: The transfer function for moving assets between local accounts.
  • seat: The Zoe seat representing the assets to be transferred.
  • offerArgs: Includes details about the destination chain and address.

The sendIt function performs following important steps:

Offer Validation and Setup

Upon receiving an offer, the sendIt function:

  • Validates the offer arguments using endo's pattern-matching library to ensure the correct structure is submitted.
  • Retrieves the proposal from the seat, extracting the asset (brand and amount) being transferred.
  • The contract ensures that the asset brand is registered on the local chain by querying the chain’s asset registry (vbank). If not the contract throws an error and exits the transaction.
  • If a local account for the contract doesn’t already exist, the function creates one.
mustMatch(offerArgs, harden({ chainName: M.scalar(), destAddr: M.string() }));
const { chainName, destAddr } = offerArgs;

const { give } = seat.getProposal();
const [[_kw, amt]] = entries(give);
void log(`sending {${amt.value}} from ${chainName} to ${destAddr}`);
const agoric = await orch.getChain('agoric');
const assets = await agoric.getVBankAssetInfo();
void log(`got info for denoms: ${ => a.denom).join(', ')}`);
const { denom } = NonNullish(
  assets.find(a => a.brand === amt.brand),
  `${amt.brand} not registered in vbank`

if (!contractState.localAccount) {
  contractState.localAccount = await agoric.makeAccount();

This setup phase ensures the transaction is valid and the contract is prepared to handle it.

Assets Transfer

Once everything is validated, the contract performs the following steps:

  • Local transfer: The assets are first transferred from the Zoe seat to the contract’s local account using localTransfer API.
await localTransfer(seat, contractState.localAccount, give);
  • Remote transfer: The contract initiates the transfer to the destination address on the remote chain. This transfer includes details such as the destination chain ID and address.
await contractState.localAccount.transfer(
    value: destAddr,
    encoding: 'bech32',
  { denom, value: amt.value }
  • Error handling: If the transfer fails, the contract reverses the transaction by withdrawing the assets from the local account back to the Zoe seat. A detailed error message is logged and the seat is exited with the error. This process ensures that assets are transferred securely, with clear rollback mechanisms in case of failure.
await withdrawToSeat(contractState.localAccount, seat, give);
const errorMsg = `IBC Transfer failed ${q(e)}`;
void log(`ERROR: ${errorMsg}`);
throw makeError(errorMsg);


The "Send Anywhere" contract is a robust and flexible solution for transferring assets between blockchains. It ensures that:

  • Assets are securely held in a local account before being transferred.
  • Detailed logs are kept for transparency and error tracing.
  • The contract is resilient to failure, with built-in rollback mechanisms.
  • By using Agoric’s orchestration tools, this contract provides a secure way to facilitate cross-chain asset transfers.